Marijuana Industry Employee Screening
Marijuana Industry Employee Background Screening
We recommend the Essential National Profile
$84 package core price
Cannabis Industry Employee Screening
With a highly regulated industry like recreational marijuana or the medical marijuana industries, you have to be sure your employees won't get your business shut down. Our Marijuana Industry background check package recommendation is the Essential National Profile. This employee screening profile has the due-diligence-necessary reports to screen dispensary employees like budtenders, security, or reception.
The best package for screening in the cannabis industry is the Essential National Profile
- Expanded county & federal searches
- Motor Vehicle Records (MVR) included
- Nationwide, & Global Sanctions
- Full-range of optional searches
This package has much more extensive coverage than our other entry-level screening packages. It includes federal district criminal court searches, motor vehicle records (MVR), and Global Homeland Security Reports. This package also includes more county and district searches than the less comprehensive packages.
Avoid unwanted attention to your company with FBI criminal, and national criminal record screening
You can't afford to hire without ensuring your employees are responsible and won't bring any unwanted attention to your company. After working with our current clients to find the most important aspects of a marijuana industry background check, we tailored our dispensary employee screening package specifically for the cannabis industry.
- 3 Federal District criminal searches
- 3 County criminal record searches
- Global Homeland Security Report including:
- FBI cyber & white collar crimes record search
- Global Homeland Security Search
- Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC)